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My aim is for Kingston City Council to operate as the most efficient council in Australia.

Cost Of Living

Fair Go Fines

My aim is for Kingston City Council to operate as the most efficient council in Australia.

Cost Of Living
Rate increases are lazy ways for the council to raise revenue and just encourages more wasteful spending.

Fair Go Fines
The high cost of council penalties is disproportionate to the offences and punitive on the person, especially struggling to make ends meet.
Policy Priorities for Caruana Ward - Kingston Council

Tootal Road is a health hazard and needs urgent attention. I'll fight to fix the situation as a priority.

As a real independent, I'll provide real representation to the people of Caruana Ward - something that's been lacking in the current administration.

I want to cut wasteful project spending. We need council to bring their focus back to roads, rates and rubbish.

Tootal Road is a health hazard and needs urgent attention. I'll fight to fix the situation as a priority.

As a real independent, I'll provide real representation to the people of Caruana Ward - something that's been lacking in the current administration.

I want to cut wasteful project spending. We need council to bring their focus back to roads, rates and rubbish.